White House press secretary says Pelosi should smile more

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders responded to Nancy Pelosi’s stony expression during the State of the Union address by suggesting that the House minority leader “smile a lot more often.”

“I think Nancy Pelosi looks like that all the time,” Sanders told CNN’s Chris Cuomo, who contended that he had never seen her wear such a stark countenance.

“I think she should smile a lot more often. I think the country would be better for it,” Sanders said in the “New Day” interview Wednesday. “She seems to kind of embody the bitterness that belongs in the Democrat party right now.”

Sanders said she hoped Democrats could “let go of some of that (bitterness).”

Pelosi’s expression of seeming disapproval was matched by a number of her Democratic colleagues throughout President Donald Trump’s speech Tuesday night.

Sanders was accused by some on social media of being sexist with her remark.

The comments also recalled then-Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus’ criticism about Hillary Clinton’s demeanor during a national security forum in September 2016. In a tweet, Priebus slammed Clinton for seeming angry and not smiling more during the event.

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