Mueller team to talk to former Trump legal team spokesman, also obtains docs related to Sessions’ resignation offer

Mark Corallo, a former spokesman for President Donald Trump’s legal team, is scheduled to provide an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team in the next two weeks, according to a source with knowledge of the matter.

Corallo is expected to be asked about the Air Force One episode when the President and his aides crafted a statement in the name of Donald Trump Jr. about his June 2016 Trump Tower campaign meeting with Russians.

Additionally, CNN has learned that the Justice Department turned over documents pertaining to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ offer of resignation at the request of the President, according to a source familiar with the matter. The President, as has been reported previously, refused to accept the offer.

ABC News, which first reported that the documents were turned over before Sessions’ interview, also reported other documents were turned over including emails with the White House about the firing of national security adviser Michael Flynn last February.

CNN reported Tuesday that Trump’s attorneys are arguing that Mueller’s team has not met the high threshold they believe is needed to interview the President himself in person, according to sources familiar with the ongoing deliberations.

Mueller has made clear he is seeking a sit-down interview with the President, CNN reported last week. Mueller has even provided Trump’s attorneys with a range of topics he wants to ask about as part of ongoing negotiations regarding an interview with the President, sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.

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