CNN anchor writes open letter about immigrants to Trump

Sunday night, CNN’s Ana Cabrera personally called on President Donald Trump to laud immigrants during his State of the Union address on Tuesday.

“No doubt President Trump will continue to tout the success of the US economy during his first year in office. Indeed, the numbers are impressive,” Cabrera noted, listing positive statistics about the stock market and the unemployment rate.

She continued, “So, on Tuesday, speaking before Congress and to all Americans, it’s a no-brainer that a president so focused on the success of the American economy should be invested in continuing to get the tremendous benefits the US receives from immigrants as job-creators and innovators.”

Speaking to the “Newsroom” audience, Cabrera explained the important role immigrants play in the workforce.

Finally, she made a personal appeal.

“I come from a family of Mexican immigrants,” Cabrera said, citing her relatives’ professions as doctors, dentists and professors. “So, I know firsthand how immigrants are contributing to this country, making America great. … So, Mr. President, on Tuesday evening, please take the lead in striking a deal that continues America’s great winning tradition when it comes to being a land open to all that are ready to work hard for a better life, not for the immigrants but in the interest of putting America’s economy first and keeping America great.”

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