Kristen Bell kicks off SAG Awards with a jab at First Lady Melania Trump

Kristen Bell did not hold back when she took the stage as the first-ever host of the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday night.

Bell kicked things off with a jab at the First Lady, Melania Trump.

“There has never been a host for this awards show before,” Kristen said. “First time. First person. First Lady. I honestly never thought I would grow up to be the First Lady, but you know what, I kind of like it,” Bell said. “I think my first initiative as First Lady will be cyberbullying because I have yet to see any progress on that problem quite yet.”

She did not mention Trump by name, but it was a clear dig at the first lady, who had said her main focus when she got to the White House would be to combat cyberbullying.

Without missing a beat, Bell points to “Veep” actor Tony Hale, who was sitting in the audience, and said, “I’m looking at you, Tony Hale. You’re a bully. You guys, he’s savage on Twitter. I’m serious.”

Bell did take a moment in between jokes in her monologue to address a serious topic. The SAG Awards is taking place on the same weekend as the Women’s March, protests that swept the country for the second year in a row starting on Saturday.

“We are living in a watershed moment and as we march forward with active momentum and open ears let’s make sure we are leading the charge with empathy and diligence,” Bell said. “Because fear and anger never win the race.”

Bell did manage to slip in another joke and a plug before moving on to the first award of the night. “Most importantly, regardless of our differences I think we can all come together and delight in one thing ‘Frozen 2’ is coming out in theaters 2019. I’m very excited!”

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