‘This place is a shithole’ projected onto Trump hotel, with emojis

A projection onto the front entrance of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, declared Saturday night that the place was a “shithole” — the term which President Donald Trump reportedly used during an immigration reform meeting with lawmakers last week.

“Not a DC resident? Need a place to stay? Try our shithole,” the projections read, with grinning poop emojis scattering the bricks of the Trump International Hotel, formerly the Old Post Office building.

Washington-based Robin Bell took credit for the stunt. He told CNN the projection was up for around 40 minutes and claimed this is at least the 15th time he’s projected his work onto the hotel.

“By the time security came out we were already done,” Bell said, later adding that he looks at the projections as a First Amendment activity. “We’re not actually touching the building. We’re not on the property.”

The projection came in response to reports that, in referring to immigrants from African countries, Trump asked lawmakers during an Oval Office meeting on immigration reform: “Why do we want all these people from ‘shithole countries’ coming here?”

The President has denied making the comment.

The projection was done in collaboration with Matt Ornstein, the director of an upcoming documentary titled “This is Not Normal,” which examines the 2016 election and the first year of the Trump administration, according to Ornstein’s production company, Sound and Vision Productions, and Bell. The film’s title was among the sentences projected onto the hotel.

Bell has been behind similar anti-Trump projections onto the hotel, including one that said, “Experts agree: Trump is a pig,” and another that said, “Pay Trump bribes here.”

This story was updated to reflect that projection was done in collaboration with the director of a political documentary.

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