Tesla’s Model 3 to debut in East Coast showrooms

Tesla is going to exhibit its electric car for the people, the Model 3, at five showrooms in four states so the customers who ordered it might actually get a chance to see it up close.

Tesla said it will display the Model 3 on Friday at its showrooms in Manhattan and Boston, and also in San Jose and Walnut Creek, California, according to a company spokesperson. This weekend, Tesla will also exhibit the Model 3 in Miami.

This is the first time the company is displaying the Model 3 on the East Coast, according to a Tesla spokesperson.

Tesla has taken about 455,000 orders for the new electric cars, which retail for a base price of $35,000, through August, 2017. That makes them significantly cheaper than Tesla’s other cars, the Model X and the Model S.

Customers have paid out $1,000 each to reserve the sedans, but most of them are still waiting because the company has had trouble producing the cars. Earlier this month, Tesla said it made 2,425 Model 3s over the last three months. That falls short of its promise last year, when it said it would produce 5,000 of the cars per week by the end of 2017. That target has been pushed back to March 2018.

Starting prices for the Model 3, which is rear drive only, is about half the price of the Model S.

Tesla previously exhibited the Model 3 at its showrooms in Los Angeles and Palo Alto, California.

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