McClatchy: FBI investigating potential Russian donations to NRA to boost Trump

The FBI is looking into whether a Russian banker with ties to the Kremlin illegally funneled money to the National Rifle Association to help Donald Trump secure the presidency, according to a new report from McClatchy.

Two sources familiar with the matter told the outlet that the FBI is investigating the activities of Aleksander Torshin, the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank.

McClatchy reported that it was not publicly known how long the FBI has been investigating the matter. The story also says it is unclear what evidence, if any, the FBI has of payments facilitated by Torshin to the NRA or whether the group transferred any funds.

CNN has not independently verified McClatchy’s report. Messages left with the FBI and the White House were not immediately returned, and an NRA spokesperson did not immediately offer comment.

It is illegal to accept foreign contributions to influence a federal election, according to the Federal Election Campaign Act.

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