Bob Dole rise to his feet from wheelchair for National Anthem

Former Senator Bob Dole can no longer walk, but he came to his feet as the National Anthem played during a ceremony in his honor.

The 94-year-old World War II vet was presented with the Congressional Gold Medal on Wednesday. The Gold Medal is the highest civilian honor bestowed by Congress.

Before the ceremony in which leaders from both parties praised Dole’s years of civic and military service, the former Kansas senator and presidential candidate struggled to stand as the colors were presented. After motioning for an aide, Dole managed to stand upright with support as the anthem played.

During the ceremony, President Trump praised Dole, calling him a “great American.”

“In hearing (Dole’s) story they will truly learn what it means to be a great American. Bob, that is the legacy that you have left our nation and it will outlive us all. You are a friend, you are a patriot, a hero, a leader and today you have become a recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal,” Trump said.

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