Who is Dr. Ronny Jackson?

President Donald Trump’s physician fielded questions from reporters on Trump’s recent physical at the White House news briefing Tuesday. So who is Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson — the doctor serving the executive branch?

Although Tuesday’s news conference focused on Trump’s physical and mental fitness, Jackson’s time as White House physician carries over from previous administrations.

He was tapped to be a physician for the White House during former President George W. Bush’s tenure in 2006, while Jackson was deployed in Iraq, according to his Navy biography.

Jackson’s medical career began when he graduated from medical school at the University of Texas in 1995. From there, he went to the Portsmouth Naval Medical Center, the Navy biography says.

Barack Obama appointed Jackson as his own presidential physician, a role that has continued under Trump.

At Tuesday’s news conference at the White House, Jackson reviewed the physical exam he had administered to the President last week and said Trump was in “excellent” health.

According to Jackson, Trump weighs 239 pounds and is 6 feet, 3 inches tall.

The doctor also said Trump received a perfect score on a cognitive exam, which had been requested by the President himself.

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