White House doctor set to brief press on Trump’s health

Dr. Ronny Jackson, the White House physician who last week declared President Donald Trump in “excellent health,” will provide more details of the President’s medical exam during a briefing on Tuesday.

The White House said last week that Jackson would join White House press secretary Sarah Sanders to describe some results from the yearly physical, which was conducted Friday at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland.

On Friday evening, the White House released a statement from Jackson — who also performed President Barack Obama’s last presidential physical — that indicated the exam went “exceptionally well” and described Trump’s health as “excellent.”

The statement did not include any of the information that is typically contained in the readout of a presidential physical, like Trump’s height, weight, cholesterol level or blood pressure. Those details could come on Tuesday, though the White House hasn’t said what specifically will be revealed about Trump’s health. Officials have said that it would take the long weekend to complete tests, including blood work, that were included in the exam.

The President himself will decide what to make public, in accordance with medical privacy rules. He’s been unwilling in the past to disclose information that candidates and presidents typically reveal, such as his tax returns. But during the 2016 campaign he did authorize his personal doctor to release some medical information.

Dr. Harold Bornstein’s summary included Trump’s height (6 feet 3 inches) and weight (236 pounds), cholesterol (HDL 63, LDL 94, triglycerides 61), blood pressure (116/70), blood sugar (99) and normal results from liver, thyroid, heart and colon exams.

He also said Trump took Crestor, a cholesterol lowering statin; a low dose of aspirin to prevent heart attacks; antibiotics to treat skin rosacea; and Propecia for baldness.

Past presidential physicals have also included lifestyle details like diet and exercise routines. Trump isn’t known to exercise beyond short walks, and he uses a cart when he plays golf.

His diet isn’t known to have changed from the high-calorie dishes he has favored in the past: well-done steak with ketchup, meatloaf, hamburgers, vanilla ice cream, salads with blue cheese dressing and chocolate cake. He does, however, avoid tobacco and alcohol.

Ahead of the exam, the White House said that tests for mental acuity would not be included. The question arose after a week of speculation about Trump’s mental fitness for office, spurred by the publication of a damaging book that suggested Trump’s own aides worry about his stability.

Later, Trump attempted to clarify matters by tweeting he was a “stable genius.”

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