McCarthy gave Trump a jar of his favorite red and pink Starbursts, Washington Post reports

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy once sweetened his relationship with President Donald Trump with a gift of red and pink Starbursts.

According to a report from The Washington Post, McCarthy noticed the President had a preference for the two colors of the chewy candies when they were alone on Air Force One last fall. Trump reached for them and plucked out only the cherry and strawberry flavors, the California Republican recounted.

“We’re there, having a little dessert, and he offers me some,” McCarthy told the paper. “Just the red and the pink. A bit later, a couple of his aides saw me with those colors and told me, ‘Those are the president’s favorites.'”

After that, McCarthy had one of his staff buy Starbursts and pick out the red and pink ones, which were placed in a jar bearing the name of the majority leader on the side and delivered to the president. A White House official told The Washington Post that Trump was grinning upon receipt of the gift.

The White House did not immediately respond to CNN request for comment.

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