Biden on Trump’s remarks: ‘It’s not what a president should believe’

Former Vice President Joe Biden slammed President Donald Trump Friday morning for his vulgar remark about immigrants, tweeting “It’s not what a president should believe.”

“It’s not how a president should speak. It’s not how a president should behave. Most of all, it’s not what a president should believe. We’re better than this,” he tweeted.

Biden was referring to Trump’s comments on Thursday asking, “Why do we want all these people from ‘shithole countries’ coming here?” He made the remark during a meeting in which he rejected a bipartisan deal on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, an Obama-era initiative aimed at protecting young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children.

Trump, a person briefed on the meeting told CNN, also asked why the US wants people from Haiti and more Africans in the US and added that the US should get more people from countries like Norway.

So far, Biden is the highest ranking official in the Obama administration who has spoken out against Trump’s remarks.

Shortly after his tweet, President Barack Obama’s former national security adviser, Susan Rice, tweeted Biden “is right.”

“Everything I want to say today is untweetable. But Biden is right. We are so much better than this,” she wrote.

On Friday, Trump denied he made the comment and also denied demanding that Haitians be removed from negotiations about protected status for people from certain countries.

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