Kellyanne Conway: ‘Nobody here talks about Hillary Clinton’

Kellyanne Conway claimed Wednesday evening that while many cannot get over the 2016 presidential election, the White House does not talk about Hillary Clinton.

“We don’t care about her. Nobody here talks about her,” the White House counselor told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “Cuomo Prime Time.” “Nobody here talks about Hillary Clinton, I promise you.”

But in a news conference earlier in the day with Norwegian Minister Erna Solberg, President Donald Trump repeatedly brought up his 2016 victory and his opponent, while insisting there was “no collusion” with the Russians.

“Hillary was not for a strong military and Hillary — my opponent — was for windmills,” Trump said, following a question on the two countries’ relationships with Russia.

In another answer at the bilateral conference, the President repeated a variant of “no collusion” in reference to his campaign’s relationship with the Russians during the 2016 election eight times in less than two minutes.

Responding to Cuomo’s questions about Russian meddling in the election, Conway dismissed the notion that any one from the Trump campaign would have reached out to a foreign agent for help in defeating Clinton.

“The idea that we would have to look any further than Hillary Clinton to beat Hillary Clinton is a fantasy,” Conway said, adding that “unattractive policies” and “lack of connective tissue” to “forgotten” Americans contributed to her loss.

Cuomo asked if “we” included the President’s son Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who is now charged with conspiracy against the United States. The three were the high-level Trump campaign operatives who attended a 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer promising dirt on Clinton.

Conway said nothing came of the meeting and when pressed further by Cuomo on why they went, she said, “The point is, you can’t get over the election.”

“I’ll make you a deal,” Conway said. “I’ll never talk about her again, but then you can’t talk about the 2016 election.”

Conway appeared on The Sean Hannity Show on Fox News Tuesday, where she spoke on Trump’s bipartisan meeting with legislators on immigration earlier that day and mentioned Hillary Clinton’s views on immigration policy.

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