US Central Command investigating video posted to social media

The US military issued a statement Wednesday saying it was investigating a video that appears to show someone being shot from what looks to be a military vehicle.

A three-second video clip shows what may be a military service member shooting at an unmarked truck and its driver, who appears to be unarmed. There is no evidence at this time that the shooter is a US service member.

“The amateur video posted on a public website gives us serious concern,” Col. John Thomas, a spokesman for US Central Command, which oversees US troops in Afghanistan, told CNN.

“We are conducting an investigation into this video, and will take appropriate actions as a result of this investigation,” Thomas added.

Gen. Joseph Votel, the commander of Central Command, issued a statement condemning the video.

“I can assure you that this video does not represent the professionalism or humanity of the men and women of US Central Command. We reject the unprofessional and callous message this video conveys,” Votel said.

The video clip is part of a larger montage of video. CNN could not verify who originally posted the video online.

The longer video was posted on a Facebook page and has since been deleted but has been reposted on other sites.

The clip shows an apparent military vehicle driving past the civilian truck. While passing, what appears to be a shotgun is fired from the military vehicle into the driver’s side window of the truck.

Only the arm and gloved hands of the shooter are visible in the short clip. The uniform of the shooter is not clearly visible, making his country of origin difficult to determine.

Other clips show what are purported to be US Special Operations Forces firing different weapons in various locales in what appears to be Afghanistan. Most of the video does not appear to show combat and it is not obvious where the video was taken or at what time.

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