Scaramucci: Steve Bannon was a ‘bad hire’

Steve Bannon was a “bad hire,” fellow former White House staffer Anthony Scaramucci said Tuesday.

“He’s not a team player,” Scaramucci told CNN’s Chris Cuomo. “You can’t say Steve’s not a smart guy, you can’t say that Steve’s not a good writer, you can’t say that after Andrew Breitbart’s death he didn’t help raise the profile of Breitbart — not a super profitable place, but certainly had a very high profile in the last election. So I want to be fair to him, but I also want to be accurate.”

Earlier Tuesday, Bannon stepped down from his position at the far-right website Breitbart News Network. The news of his resignation followed remarks he made in the recently published book on the Trump White House, “Fire and Fury,” in which he was quoted calling the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. possibly “treasonous.”

“I think he was a bad hire, not because he wasn’t talented, not because he wasn’t smart and quote unquote strategic, he just didn’t want to play inside the sandbox with the other people,” Scaramucci said.

Scaramucci served as the White House communications director for a brief stint last summer before he departed amid controversy over an expletive-filled conversation he had with a reporter discussing others in the White House.

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