Trump hasn’t spent much time golfing with lawmakers, but the White House says it’s helped pass his agenda

President Donald Trump’s frequent visits to his golf courses have furthered his political agenda, providing him key face time to lobby lawmakers, the White House claimed on Tuesday.

Trump has visited his golf courses 92 times as president, golfing with lawmakers at least seven of those times, according to CNN’s latest count.

Pressed by reporters about what work Trump had accomplished on the links, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said: “It would certainly be developing deeper and better relationships with members of Congress, in which those relationships have helped push forward the President’s agenda.”

Sanders specifically mentioned tax reform as an example of legislative success assisted by time on the course.

To date, CNN’s tally shows Trump has golfed with:

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina (three times)
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky (twice)
Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tennessee (once)
Sen. David Perdue, R-Georgia (once)

The White House usually does not disclose who the President is with or what he is doing while visiting his courses. The seven instances were either confirmed by the White House or the lawmaker was spotted with the President by CNN.

In December, Trump golfed for the third time with Graham to discuss tax reform and funding the government, White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah said at the time.

White House officials in the past have said immigration, tax reform, government funding and health care have all been topics discussed with lawmakers at the golf course.

Trump has spent nearly one-third of his time in office this year at one of the properties that either bear his name or that his family company owns, according to CNN’s latest count.

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