Roy Moore refuses to concede Alabama election

Roy Moore continues to refuse to concede the Alabama special election, saying in a new video that his campaign is waiting for ballots to be certified.

“In this race, we have not received the final count? to include ?military and provisional ballots,” Moore said. “This has been a very close race and we are awaiting certification by the secretary of state.”

Moore lost Tuesday’s Senate race to Democrat Doug Jones and refused to concede on election night. The election will be certified no earlier than December 26 and no later than January 3.

In the video released Wednesday night, Moore thanks his family and supporters. He also appears to continue his campaign rhetoric, saying, “Abortion, sodomy, and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Jones is the first Democrat in a generation to win a Senate seat in Alabama, beating Republican Roy Moore amid a firestorm of allegations that the GOP candidate had sexually abused teens.

In his video, Moore appears to place some blame on accusations against him for his election loss.

“Even our political process has been affected with baseless and false allegations which have become more relevant than the issues which ?affect our country,” Moore said. “This election was tainted by over $50 million from outside groups who want to retain power and ?their ?corrupt ideology.”

On NBC’s “Today” show Wednesday morning, Jones said there was “no doubt” in his mind about the election results. He said Moore would “do well to go ahead and let’s get this behind us.”

“(I)t’s time to move on. Every race is tough. It’s bitter sometimes. I think this one was one that the people of Alabama have now spoken a little bit, and they decided to heal,” he said.

Rep. Terri Sewell, D-Alabama, told CNN’s “New Day” Wednesday morning that she has the “utmost confidence” Jones “won outright.” She suggested Moore’s refusal to concede was a publicity stunt.

“I’m not sure what his posturing is about, other than it keeps him in the limelight and it keeps him relevant for another week,” Sewell said.

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill has said it is “highly unlikely” that Jones would not be certified as the winner of the election.

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