Hillary Clinton tweets on Doug Jones’ projected win

Following Democrat Doug Jones’ projected win in Alabama’s US Senate race, Hillary Clinton shared a message of optimism with her followers on Twitter.

“Tonight, Alabama voters elected a senator who’ll make them proud,” Clinton tweeted Tuesday night. “And if Democrats can win in Alabama, we can — and must — compete everywhere. Onward!”

Jones edged out Republican Roy Moore in a race that remained neck-and-neck for the majority of election night.

Jones’ win comes after a contentious fight to fill now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ former seat, with Moore facing several sexual allegations from years ago.

Multiple women accused Moore of pursuing relationships with them when they were teenagers and he was in his 30s, and some of them accused him of sexual assault or abuse.

The accusations surfaced during a time of national reckoning regarding sexual assault and harassment, and while multiple members of Congress also faced accusations of inappropriate behavior.

Major players from both parties put support behind each of the candidates, including President Donald Trump, who last week announced his backing of the Republican candidate despite the accusations against him.

Former President Barack Obama recorded a robo-call in support of Jones ahead of Election Day.

Jones’ win narrows the Republican Senate majority to 51-49.

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