Charles Barkley on Jones projected win: ‘This is a wake-up call for Democrats’

Former NBA player Charles Barkley said Tuesday night that Democrat Doug Jones’ projected victory is “a wake-up call for Democrats.”

Speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper from Jones’ election night party, Barkley said Democrats have “taken the black vote and the poor vote for granted for a long time.”

“It’s time for them to get off their ass and start making life better for black folks and people who are poor,” Barkley said.

Barkley returned to his home state, where he was born and played basketball for Auburn University, to campaign for Jones, appearing with the Democrat on Monday night at his rally on the eve of the special election.

“I’ve been in Alabama for the weekend campaigning with Doug Jones, all Roy Moore’s commercials were he’s against abortion, he’s against gay marriage, and he talks about God, those are not three good enough reasons to be in the Senate,” Barkley said Tuesday night, also telling Tapper that Moore “was an embarrassment.”

CNN projects Jones wins the Alabama special election to fill Jeff Sessions’ former seat, who now serves as US attorney general.

It was a shocking win for Jones, despite major push back against Moore amid several allegations of sexual misconduct. Moore had received support from President Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee.

At Jones’ rally Monday night, Barkley encouraged voters to head to the polls.

“At some point, we got to stop looking like idiots to the nation,” Barkley said Monday night.

Tuesday, Barkely said he was proud of the state.

“This is a great night for Alabama,” Barkley said.

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