Trump recorded robocall for Roy Moore

President Donald Trump recorded a robocall for Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore ahead of Tuesday’s election, deputy White House press secretary Raj Shah confirmed Saturday night.

Politico first reported about the call.

The call is another high-profile move by Trump to boost Moore. The Moore campaign has not returned a request for comment.

At a rally Friday in Pensacola, Florida, which is near the Alabama border, the President pointed to someone in the audience and said: “This guy is screaming, ‘We want Roy Moore.’ He is right.”

The President then said Democrats in Congress “want open borders, higher taxes, and government-run health care that doesn’t work. Costs a fortune, doesn’t work. They are soft on crime. … That’s why we need a Republican in the House. We need a Republican in the Senate. We need more of them.”

Trump also told the crowd: “We cannot afford — this country, the future of this country — cannot afford to lose a seat in the very, very close United States Senate. We can’t afford it, folks. We can’t.”

The rally comes after Trump spent part of the week touting Moore on Twitter despite the accusations that the 70-year-old, twice-ousted former state Supreme Court chief justice had pursued sexual relationships with teenagers, molested a 14-year-old and sexually assaulted a 16-year-old, all while he was in his 30s. Moore has repeatedly denied the allegations.

The President has cast Democratic candidate Doug Jones as too liberal for Alabama.

Republicans hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate.

“LAST thing the Make America Great Again Agenda needs is a Liberal Democrat in Senate where we have so little margin for victory already,” Trump tweeted Friday. “The Pelosi/Schumer Puppet Jones would vote against us 100% of the time. He’s bad on Crime, Life, Border, Vets, Guns & Military. VOTE ROY MOORE!”

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