Trump responds to ‘lock her up’ chants, cites ‘rigged system’

President Donald Trump responded to chants of “lock her up” by citing the “rigged system,” while speaking at a rally in Pensacola, Florida, on Friday night.

“Look, it’s being proven we have a rigged system,” Trump said to the crowd of supporters. “Doesn’t happen so easy. But this system, there will be a lot of changes.”

The crowd’s chant — referring to Trump’s former Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton — and his railing on a “rigged” system harkened back to the 2016 election.

Trump also called it a “sick system from the inside,” and said he was working to course-correct the institutional sickness within the country.

Before the crowd began its cries of “lock her up,” Trump mocked the Democratic movement known as “the resistance.”

Standing at the lectern, Trump imitated the holding of a sign and asked if the crowd had seen the ones that say “resist.”

He later carried on to say that the resistance was purely a resistance against “the will of the American people,” which prompted calls of “lock her up.”

“They are resisting progress,” Trump later said. “They’re resisting change. Because the only thing they really care about is protecting what they have been able to do, which is really control the country and not to your benefit.”

Trump is speaking just days ahead of the special election in Alabama, after having put his full support behind the controversial Republican candidate Roy Moore earlier this week.

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