The top tweeted political account in 2017 was @realDonaldTrump and the top hashtag was #resist

President Donald Trump’s Twitter handle appeared in more tweets than any other elected official in the US in 2017, according to data from the social network. The fact that many of the top political hashtags were related to Trump, like #resist and #MAGA, probably didn’t hurt.

Here are the top 15 Twitter accounts for US elected officials that appeared most in tweets this year:


And here are the top hashtags:


Twitter is the social network Trump is most popular on, with 44 million followers, compared to 22 million on Facebook and 8 million on Instagram.

Although he has access to the official @POTUS account, Trump kept his personal @realDonaldTrump account and tweets from it regularly. This year, he’s used his account to share positive information about the economy, promote Fox News shows, threaten war with North Korea, downplay news about members of his campaign and administration who have been indicted or pleaded guilty of lying to the FBI, as well as attack politicians who oppose him, celebrities who criticize him and news organizations that share unflattering stories about him and his administration.

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