Quinnipiac: Only 29% of Americans approve of GOP tax plan

Less than one-third of Americans approve of the Republican tax plan, Quinnipiac figures show.

The same poll put President Donald Trump’s approval rating at 35%, and Gallup’s daily tracking poll reported the same percentage.

In the Quinnipiac poll, conducted from Nov. 29 to Dec. 4 — before the US Senate passed its version of the tax bill in the early hours of Saturday — almost two-thirds (64%) of people surveyed said the bill would benefit the wealthy most, while just 24% said they believe the middle class would benefit the most.

Twenty-nine percent of Americans approve of the Republican plan, according to the poll.

Additionally, 41% believed the plan would raise their taxes. Before the House of Representatives passed its version of the tax plan, just 35% thought they would see a tax hike.

Trump’s approval rating remains below 40%, a mark he hasn’t hit in the Quinnipiac poll since June.

According to a November 9 CNN poll, Trump’s approval rating was 36%, while in October it was 37%.

For this poll, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,508 voters nationwide, with a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percentage points.

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