Melania Trump and Karen Pence to visit Texas storm victims

On Wednesday morning, first lady Melania Trump will make a return visit to Texas, accompanied by second lady Karen Pence, according to the White House.

Landing in Corpus Christi, Trump and Pence are scheduled to get an update on recovery efforts in the region, which in August was devastated by Hurricane Harvey.

“While I am heartened by the strength and resilience of those impacted by the storms, I will continue doing all that I can to lend a voice and shine a spotlight on those who need assistance to rebuild and start new family traditions,” Trump said in a statement about her trip.

Trump and Pence plan to spend time with first responders who helped the region during the storm before traveling to nearby Rockport to spend time with a family whose home was nearly destroyed by Harvey.

A White House official told CNN that the family Trump and Pence will visit has four children and is preparing for a holiday season spent in a new Manufactured Housing Unit, provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, set up in their front yard. The father, a carpenter, intends to rebuild the family home himself, adds the source.

Trump and Pence will tour what’s left of the family’s former home and get a look at the Manufactured Housing Unit.

In October, Trump made her first official public service announcement, reminding people not to forget about the plight of those Americans affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.

“Your help is still needed,” said Trump, adding that she had been affected by what she’d seen while visiting storm-ravaged regions with the President.

After they visit with the family, Trump and Pence will head to an elementary school to tour it and chat with students about the impact of the storm. They will close their day at a food bank, thanking volunteers and sorting boxes of donations.

“The effects of the hurricane season are still being felt throughout southern portions of the United States and in Puerto Rico, and residents still need our help,” said Trump. “As Christmas and the New Year approach, I encourage people to lend their time volunteering or providing financial support to those still reeling from the hurricanes.”

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