GOP congressman won’t support Roy Moore

Republican representative Leonard Lance during a Wednesday morning appearance on CNN’s “New Day” supported the women who have come forward with allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Several women have accused Republican Moore of pursuing romantic relationships with them when they were teenagers and he was in his 30s. He has also been accused of assault. Moore has denied the allegations.

“I believe the women and I do not think he should be elected to the United States Senate,” Lance told anchor Chris Cuomo.

Lance pointed to Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby’s refusal to vote for Moore as an indication of how other Republicans should approach the impending election. He said he hoped “the people of Alabama might write in a Republican,” which is what Shelby has stated he plans to do.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump defended Moore by repeatedly saying, “He denies it.” Trump also addressed the recent trend toward exposing sexual harassment in Hollywood and beyond, saying he was “very happy” to see it happening.

Cuomo asked Lance if Trump’s statement on Moore shows the President “does not value women the way he should.”

“I would hope that the President values women. He spoke yesterday about the fact that it’s a good thing that women are coming forward. It is a good thing and I would urge that to continue. We need to do a much better job in society and we need to do a better job in Congress,” Lance responded.

Cuomo pushed the New Jersey representative on whether it is possible to support women coming forward with stories of sexual assault and simultaneously support Roy Moore. “In my view, we should believe the women and I believe the women,” said Lance.

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