CLEARFIELD – A preliminary budget with no tax increase was approved for Lawrence Township during last night’s supervisors’ meeting.
Total revenue is anticipated to be $4,217,069 with $1,950,769 in tax revenue, $2,979,559 in non-tax revenue, $450,776 from the state fund and $786,734 from the sanitary sewer fund.
Total expenditures are anticipated to be $2,979,559. Some of the total expenditures include $448,302 for general government, $1,219,194 for police, $269,567 for fire plus other expenses.
The budget will be available for public viewing and adopted in December. A revised fee schedule for 2018 was also adopted.
A few other items were discussed during the meeting. Roadmaster Ron Woodling reported that leaf pick-up is done for the year, but if residents bag leaves and call the township, the workers will come and pick them up.
A bridge over Montgomery Run near Coal Hill is having its weight limit lowered to 16 tons. Woodling said the bridge is scheduled for replacement in the next couple of years by the state. Also, the new barrier on Deacon Road will be in place Wednesday.
Code Enforcement Officer Debra Finkbeiner reminded residents to be aware of fire hazards during the winter and holiday seasons. She said to be sure to purchase GFI lights and to have furnaces and chimneys inspected.