5 things for November 1: New York’s deadliest terror attack since 9/11

New Yorkers are showing their strength after a terror attack on a bike path. Here’s what else you need know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. (You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here.)

1. NYC terror attack

Eight people are dead and almost a dozen wounded after a man drove a truck onto a bike path Tuesday in Lower Manhattan. The attack is the deadliest in New York City since 9/11, and details about the accused attacker and the heroes who stopped him are still coming out.

Authorities say the suspect is Sayfullo Saipov, 29, a native of Uzbekistan who moved to the United States in 2010 and most recently lived in New Jersey. According to police, a note left near the truck used in the attack says it was done in the name of ISIS, although the terror group has not publicly claimed responsibility.

We also know that 28-year-old New York police Officer Ryan Nash shot and apprehended the suspect as he tried to flee, effectively ending the deadly rampage. The suspect was rushed to the hospital, and officers were able to talk to him before he went in for surgery Tuesday.

2. Tax reform

After a hectic night of mixed messages, Republicans announced late Tuesday that they would release their tax reform bill Thursday instead of today, missing a self-imposed deadline because of some key provisions that still need ironing out. Republican leaders have been laser-focused on tax reform lately, and were keen on rolling the plan out on the first of the month. However, there are still some issues with how the bill will address retirement savings and state and local tax deductions, two key provisions that involve raising revenue to pay for tax cuts. The property tax deduction is expected to remain, but there’s work to be done there as well. Looks like GOP lawmakers will have to settle for the second of the month instead.

3. Paul Manafort

A new court filing from the Justice Department on Tuesday revealed some interesting things about former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, who was indicted this week on money laundering charges and other counts. Apparently, he currently has three US passports, each under a different number. This year alone, he traveled to Mexico, China and Ecuador with a phone and email account registered under a fake name, according to the filing. Both Manafort and Trump campaign official Rick Gates were also frequent travelers to Cyprus. “Extensive travel of this nature further evidences a risk of flight,” the prosecutor’s filing said. Manafort also used vastly different estimations of his wealth over the years, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. Oh, and he “frequently changed banks and opened and closed bank accounts,” according to prosecutors. After turning himself in Monday, Manafort is under house arrest. He and Gates have both pleaded not guilty to all charges.

4. Tech companies

Silicon Valley is feeling the heat from Washington this week. Executives from Facebook, Twitter and Google testified Tuesday before Congress in the first of three hearings into how foreign nationals used social media to meddle in the 2016 US presidential election.

At the hearing, held by the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, lawmakers pressed the tech companies on their ability to prevent bad actors from taking advantage of their platforms through ads and regular posts. Some, such as Facebook, were questioned as to how, with such sophisticated technology, they couldn’t smell something amiss when massive ad payments showed up from Russian sources.

5. Las Vegas shooting

This is heartbreaking. A couple who managed to survive last month’s shooting at a concert in Las Vegas died two weeks afterward in a car crash less than a mile from their home in Riverside, California. Dennis and Lorraine Carver attended the fateful Route 91 Harvest music festival on October 1 and survived by running for their lives once they heard gunshots. Their daughters say the trauma of the shooting that killed 58 people brought the family closer together, and the couple was “more in love those two weeks than the last 20 years.”


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Get your binge-watching fingers ready!

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“We’re living our lives because we’re not going to allow the terrorists to win, period.”

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, while attending a Halloween parade in New York City hours after Tuesday’s terrorist attack

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CORRECTION: This story has been updated to reflect the note claiming that the attack was made in the name of ISIS was found near the truck.

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