Swalwell: House Russia probe working ‘in partnership’ with White House

House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Eric Swalwell on Monday suggested his Republican colleagues were looking to help the White House push its version of events rather than seek the truth in their probe of Russian meddling in the US election.

“At best it’s been an incuriosity, at worse it looks like it’s been working in partnership with the White House to tell their narrative and not to, you know, take back our freedom to choose in the next election,” the California Democrat said, when asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper whether his GOP colleagues were taking the investigation seriously.

Earlier in the conversation, Swalwell said the latest dramatic revelations in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe had made clear at least some in the White House had demonstrated an “eagerness and a willingness to work with the Russians.”

“We want to know now ‘what did that amount to?'” he asked, speaking during a CNN special about the Russia investigation. “Was it a successful working relationship? We hope now it’s a wake up call to my congressional Republican colleagues to get serious about this investigation.”

Mueller’s investigation on Monday yielded the indictments of campaign aides Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, as well as the revelation that another Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI.

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