Trump again pressures Justice Dept. to investigate Comey

President Donald Trump renewed his criticism of James Comey and how the fired FBI director handled the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails in a series of tweets Wednesday.

Responding to reports Comey had drafted a statement on Clinton’s email investigation months ahead of delivery, Trump asked: “Where is Justice Dept?”

“Wow, FBI confirms report that James Comey drafted letter exonerating Crooked Hillary Clinton long before investigation was complete. Many…..people not interviewed, including Clinton herself. Comey stated under oath that he didn’t do this-obviously a fix? Where is Justice Dept?” he said.

Trump continued: “As it has turned out, James Comey lied and leaked and totally protected Hillary Clinton. He was the best thing that ever happened to her!”

Trump was referring to news that the FBI posted a document Monday that suggests Comey began drafting what became a seminal July 2016 statement about Hillary Clinton’s private server months ahead of time, releasing a heavily redacted copy of the exchange.

The FBI declined to comment further on the documents.

The President’s comments come as hours before Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before the Senate judiciary committee.

It isn’t the first time Trump’s put pressure on the Justice Department.

Trump lashed out at his attorney general and Justice Department in an extraordinary outburst on Twitter in July, continuing his public shaming of Sessions while appearing to prod the nation’s top law enforcement official to investigate Clinton.

The President railed against Sessions’ “very weak position” on prosecuting Clinton’s “crimes.” He also suggested that the acting head of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, was compromised and politically biased against him.

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