Trump serves up political red meat in speech before conservatives

President Donald Trump delivered a red meat political speech touching immigration, the economy and cultural issues to The Heritage Foundation in Washington on Tuesday evening.

“Freedom is not a gift from government. Freedom is a gift from God,” Trump said. “That is why we’re here tonight, to rededicate ourselves to the defense of our God-given rights”

Trump was also set to pitch tax reform before the conservative audience, though two administration officials said he was not expected to offer new details on the plan.

Trump also touched on a few cultural issues, including “respect” for the US flag.

“We believe that our great American flag should be treated with reverence and respect,” he said, adding that young Americans should be taught to respect it.

And he began his remarks claiming there are people calling for the removal of Christopher Columbus statues.

“We believe we should preserve our history, not tear it down. Now they’re even trying to destroy statues of Christopher Columbus, what’s next? It has to be stopped. It’s heritage,” he said.

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