Carter Page subpoenaed by Senate intel committee

The Senate intelligence committee has issued a subpoena to former Donald Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page, according to a source familiar with the matter.

The subpoena was issued after Page told the committee last week he would plead the Fifth Amendment to keep from sending the “vast array” of documents the committee requested, which he argued was is “beyond the charter” of the probe.

Page had said he offered to testify publicly in response to the committee’s request for a closed-door interview.

Page told CNN Tuesday: “I’m cooperating with everyone in DC who wants my help” to end this “witch hunt.”

Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina and Mark Warner of Virginia, the Republican chairman and ranking Democrat on the committee, respectively, declined to comment on the subpoena.

“I don’t talk about what we do or didn’t do with subpoenas,” Burr said.

Page has been demanding the government release information about his communications that were picked up during surveillance operations.

He argues that he does not want to be caught in a “perjury trap” since the government has detailed records about his communications.

Page and the committee have gone back and forth several times about what he will provide to the panel.

Page attacked the committee’s investigation in a letter he sent earlier this year, in which he also disclosed that he had “brief interactions” several years ago with a Russian official he said was a “junior attaché.”

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