Benefit Event Helps Local Child Who Was Injured in Accident

(Provided photo)

A benefit for a local child, Mackenzie Myers, was held Sept. 10 as a collaborative effort by the Clearfield Moose Lodge No. 97, Clearfield Women of the Moose No. 948, Clearfield Moose Riders No. 97 and other volunteers and donors.

Mackenzie is the daughter of Michele and Eddie Myers of Philipsburg, and she was hit by a car earlier this year. This left her with many injuries, hospital bills and a long recovery.

As a result of the benefit efforts, the organizations were able to present a check to Mackenzie and her family in the amount of $3,500 to help with her past and future medical expenses.

Pictured, from left to right, are: Melinda Simcisko, recorder; Barb Crispell, junior guard regent; Art Conklin, governor; Eddie Myers, Mackenzie Myers, Michele Myers, Stacey Maines, senior regent; Lisa Singer, guide; Ray Maines, trustee; Damon Simcisko, treasurer; Bill Watro, junior governor; Bill Korb, prelate; Jessica Wagner; and Mike Bloom, trustee.

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