Roy Moore’s Facebook page shared inflammatory memes, article praising Russia’s anti-gay laws

The Facebook page belonging to Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for US Senate in Alabama, in February included a shared image of a group of black men standing on a destroyed police car during the 2015 Baltimore riots.

Overlaying the image was text that read, “Want to stop riots? Play the National Anthem. They’ll all sit down.”

The post — originally shared by Moore’s wife with the caption “I doubt it with these people-but worth a try?” — is one of many inflammatory posts shared on the Republican nominee’s Facebook, which is now used to promote his Senate campaign. Moore is facing Democrat Doug Jones in a special election set for December 12.

The page has been active since Moore’s failed run for governor of Alabama in 2010 and was used for his exploratory committee for president and campaign for Alabama chief justice. From 2014 until his current Senate race, the page was used to promote Moore’s speaking and media appearances.

In September of 2016, Moore’s page shared another post aimed at NFL players who kneeled during the National Anthem to protest police brutality against the black community. The post featured an image of military coffins draped in the American flag. Underneath the image read, “would the suppressed millionaire, NFL quarterback who would not stand for the National Anthem please point out which out these guys are black so we can remove the offensive flag.”

Moore’s Facebook page also shared an article from the religious conservative website in July 2015 with the headline, “Conservative Russians Give Moral Lesson to Facebook’s Homosexual Propaganda.” The article highlighted efforts by some Russians to counter a feature on Facebook that allowed users to overlay a rainbow over their profile picture.

“The strongest reaction came from conservative Russians who overlaid an image of the colors of their country’s flag — white, blue and red — over their profile picture,” the article read, adding that users also “countered the homosexual #LoveWins hashtag with #pridetobestraight and #pridetoberussian.”

The article also described Russia’s efforts to crack down on the LGBT community, including the country’s so-called “gay propaganda law,” as a “strong stance in defense of traditional family values.”

Moore’s Facebook page also shared a video that falsely alleged former President Barack Obama was a Muslim and shared several posts critical of the LGBT community.

Moore campaign spokesman Brett Doster told CNN in an email statement that Moore “believes in the sanctity of marriage and in protecting our religious liberty. He also believes the flag should be honored in respect for the American men and women of all colors and races who have died defending it.”

Here’s some of the posts Moore’s Facebook shared:

In February, Moore shared an image of black men on a damaged police car with text that said playing the National Anthem might get rioters to sit down:

In September 2016, Moore shared an image of military coffins that asked NFL quarterbacks protesting during the national anthem to “please point out which of these guys are black so we can remove the offensive flag:”

Moore shared an article in July 2015 that praised Russia’s anti-gay laws and Russians who opposed Facebook’s feature that allowed users to change their profile pictures to celebrate same-sex marriage:

Moore shared a video in November 2015 that called President Obama a Muslim. The same video was shared by his wife and foundation on Facebook. Moore had previously told CNN’s KFile that the video didn’t reflect his views:

Twice in February 2016, Moore shared a photo of African migrants climbing a border fence into Spain with the implication that the picture was of America’s border with Mexico

In September 2015, Moore shared an Associated Press article about then-President Obama saying religious freedom was no excuse to deny the constitutional rights of same-sex couples. He captioned the post with, “We used to arrest others for this sort of behavior-“

Moore shared an article in November 2015 about Franklin Graham’s call to stop all Muslims from coming to the United States:

In May 2014, Moore shared a story about a woman in Sudan who was sentenced to death for being Christian and asked how long it would be until the same happened in America:

Moore posted an article in January 2015 that claimed gay people were inflicting hate crimes on themselves:

In January 2015, Moore shared an article about the FDA for recommending an end to the lifetime ban on gay men donating blood with the caption, “Really??!!”

In a post from November 2014, Moore criticized the city of Huntsville for allowing a gay pride parade:

In August 2016, Moore referred to Patricia Todd as a “lesbian liberal legislator” and informed his followers of a Facebook post by her that celebrated the defeat of an anti-abortion legislation. Todd is the first openly gay elected official in Alabama:

Moore also shared images attacking an Alabama drag queen who was publicly critical of Moore:

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