Elon Musk is aiming to land 2 cargo ships on Mars in 2022

Elon Musk just unveiled the next phase of his grand plans for colonizing Mars.

The hard-charging tech mogul said SpaceX aims to land at least two cargo ships on the Red Planet in 2022 in order to place power, mining and life support systems there for future flights.

That’s just five years from now.

“That’s not a typo — although it is aspirational,” Musk said Friday during a presentation at the International Astronautical Congress in Australia.

To hit that deadline, SpaceX plans to start building the first spaceship by the middle of next year, he said.

Musk revealed more details on the spacecraft — dubbed the BFR, or “Big F–king Rocket.” If he has his way, Mars colonizers will eventually travel in style in the BFR, which will accommodate around 100 people spread out over 40 cabins and include large common areas and an entertainment system.

SpaceX has figured out a way to pay for the costly missions, according to Musk, but he shied away from giving specific numbers.

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