Sasse calls out Richard Spencer in tweetstorm

Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse slammed white supremacist Richard Spencer in a tweetstorm Thursday night, calling Spencer’s ideas “un-American poison.”

The series of tweets started after Sasse posted a Reuters article Wednesday on remarks by Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford, who alleged Wednesday that Russian internet trolls, in an effort to polarize Americans, helped fuel debate over President Donald Trump’s comments criticizing NFL players for kneeling during the national anthem.

“No one loves American-vs-American fighting more than Putin,” Sasse commented on the article. “His intel agencies stoke both sides of every divide.”

Spencer responded to Sasse’s tweet Thursday morning, writing, “In the minds of goober conservatives, the Russians are to blame for racial divisions.”

Hours later, the Nebraska Republican took aim at Spencer in a multi-tweet narrative he coined “America 101.”

“Oh let goobers & nongoobers agree on this: Racists like you are to blame. But Putin’s agencies also love using you as their divisive tool,” read Sasse’s first of many tweets.

“Sadly, you don’t understand human dignity,” Sasse wrote in another tweet. “A person’s skin, ancestry, and bank balance have nothing to do with their intrinsic value.”

“Sometime after moving back into your parents’ basement, you knock-off Nazis fell in love with reheated 20th century will-to-power garbage,” he added.

Sasse is known for sharp-witted tweets and has repeatedly criticized Trump, also an avid Twitter user, on the platform.

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