Trump ‘not happy about’ Price’s taxpayer-funded private jet use

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he is “not happy” about several of his Cabinet members’ use of private planes for government business and said he is “looking into” the matter.

“I was looking into it and I will look into it. I will tell you personally, I’m not happy about it,” Trump said. “I am not happy about it I’m going to look at it. I let him know it.”

The issue came to the forefront after reports revealed that several of the President’s Cabinet secretaries, notably Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, chartered private planes on the federal dime.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ inspector general is investigating Price’s decision to opt for private charter planes instead of commercially-available means of travel.

Asked Wednesday whether he has confidence in Price, Trump declined to offer a clear answer, saying only that he is “looking into it.”

And would he fire Price?

“We’ll see,” Trump offered.

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