Jeff Sessions on Russia investigation: Media making ‘perfectly normal’ actions look nefarious

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday that throughout the course of the investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, the media has made “perfectly normal” actions look nefarious.

Sessions, who recused himself from the investigation earlier this year following revelations he met with the Russian ambassador several times during the presidential campaign, made the comments on Sean Hannity’s radio program on Tuesday afternoon.

“You know Sean, I’m not able to comment on this investigation,” Session said. “I would say this, that I do feel like often that the actions that are perfectly normal and natural are being projected by the media in lights that are just not justifiable, and it’s really painful to see that happening, and good people, a lot of them have had things said in ways that are not good. I can’t comment on the details of the matter, Sean.”

Sessions did not elaborate any further on what he found to be unfair in the media’s coverage.

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