Roy Moore rides a horse to the polls

Some have compared elections to horse races — and Alabama Senate Republican primary candidate Roy Moore is literally galloping to the finish line of his runoff campaign.

The GOP candidate and his wife arrived to their polling place in Gallant, Alabama, Tuesday on horseback. Moore, sporting a cowboy hat and boots, rode a horse named Sassy, while his wife Kayla arrived on a horse named Sundance, according to Getty.

Moore faces off against Sen. Luther Strange in the special election for Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ former seat in the US Senate. Strange currently holds the seat after being appointed by then-Gov. Robert Bentley to finish out Sessions’ term; he has the backing of President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Moore is seen as the anti-establishment candidate and has been a lightning rod for controversy. He was removed from his state Supreme Court job twice and has a long history of making highly contentious comments about race and sexual orientation. In 2015, he shared a video promoting the conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama is a Muslim.

Moore has been endorsed by former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

According to the Belleville News-Democrat, Moore says it is a tradition for him to ride a horse to vote.

If elected, he wouldn’t be the only politician to enjoy horseback riding. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke rode a horse to his first day of work at the agency in March. Vice President Mike Pence enjoyed a horseback ride in Rock Creek Park with Sen. Roy Blunt and Medicare Administrator Seema Verma in July.

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