John McCain: North Korea must know price for aggression is ‘extinction’

Sen. John McCain on Sunday called for the United States to step up its presence around North Korea and make clear to its leader, Kim Jong Un, that aggressive acts would lead to the annihilation of his country.

Washington needs to “make sure that Kim Jong Un knows that if he acts in an aggressive fashion, the price will be extinction,” McCain said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

The Arizona Republican called for a strategy on North Korea that involved increasing missile defense and other defensive capabilities in South Korea, doing more to pressure China, and considering the deployment of nuclear weapons to the Korean Peninsula. McCain’s remarks came in his first national interview since being diagnosed with brain cancer in July.

“The Korean defense minister just a few days ago called for nuclear weapons to be redeployed,” McCain told anchor Jake Tapper, adding he thought “it ought to be seriously considered.”

He said China was not doing enough to curtail its support of North Korea and that the US should use economic leverage to influence Beijing.

“I also think that we’ve got to tell the Chinese, it will hurt the United States if we lose some trade with you, but I’m telling you now, something is going to have to change,” McCain said.

North Korea recently announced it had tested its most powerful nuclear weapon yet and has continued to conduct missile tests, all in defiance of the international community. President Donald Trump has responded to the moves with condemnation and in August threatened “fire and fury like the world has never seen” on North Korea should the rogue nation continue to threaten the United States.

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