Bernie Sanders begrudgingly compliments Trump

Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders has two nice things to say about President Donald Trump — but it stops there.

When pushed by Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show” Thursday to say something nice about the President, Sanders, who was at first caught off-guard, eventually noted two policy points that the men agreed on during the campaign.

“Well, let’s say this: he has talked about taking on the pharmaceutical industry and lowering the very, very high cost of prescription drugs in this country, and he is right to make the point that the drug companies are ripping us off in a terrible, terrible way,” Sanders said. “So President Trump, that’s what you said during the campaign, let’s go forward together and do that.”

Sanders said that the two men also agreed on the need for more infrastructure spending.

“The President said when he was a candidate, he said we need a trillion-dollar investment in our infrastructure, and that is exactly right, and I hope we can go forward.”

Sanders added: “The proposals that he seems to have brought forth really talk about privatization of our roads and our bridges and our water system, which to me is total nonsense. But I hope that we can work together because our infrastructure, in fact, is collapsing, and we can create many, many millions of jobs by rebuilding it.”

The two politicians are ideological opposites and have frequently criticized each other publicly. The senator has called Trump “a fraud” and labeled his tweets “delusional” and “insane,” while Trump, as a candidate, often derided Sanders as “Crazy Bernie.”

Most recently, Sanders lashed out against Trump’s attempt to repeal Obamacare and the White House’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals program.

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