Floridian trapped on St. Martin: ‘I’m not sure where to go’

A Florida woman trapped on St. Martin survived that island’s battering by Irma, but now she’s not sure if she should go home — where Irma is headed this weekend.

Loren Ann Mayo first appeared on CNN’s “New Day” via Skype on Wednesday, showing anchor Alisyn Camerota what Hurricane Irma looked like from her vantage point in a hotel on St. Martin.

On Thursday morning, Mayo reappeared on “New Day” to tell Camerota that she and her friends had survived the storm, but they weren’t out of Irma’s path just yet.

“Two of us are from Florida, specifically Sarasota,” she explained. “We’re not really sure if we should try and go there or head somewhere else to avoid the storm.”

“My car is actually parked in Miami, so I’m not sure where to go right now.”

Hurricane Irma tore through the Caribbean leaving death and destruction in its wake and could make landfall in Florida over the weekend. Officials have urged residents of both coasts of the state to evacuate.

Mayo described the “very stressful” situation as being “a whirlwind of a week.” She said she and her friends hadn’t gotten much sleep, didn’t have access to running water and couldn’t charge their phones because the power was out.

“It went from our happy, tropical vacation … to being evacuated to the villa, to trying to get a flight out and being told no, moving into this hotel, and getting rocked by this hurricane,” she said.

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