Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony

Democratic Sen. Chris Coons made a not-so-subtle jab at Donald Trump Jr. on Thursday, as the President’s eldest son met with Senate judiciary staffers about his meeting with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign.

“Below is a statute to keep in mind in regards to Donald Trump Jr.’s testimony today,” Coons, who is a member of the Senate judiciary committee, wrote in a memo sent to “interested parties,” including the press.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

“It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both,” Coons said in the statement.

Trump Jr. met with congressional investigators for more than five hours Thursday.

Following the meeting, Trump Jr. tweeted a statement, and said he was “thankful for their professionalism and courtesy.”

“I answered every question posed to the Committee related to this topic, as well as all of their questions on other topics, until both sides had exhausted their lines of questioning,” Trump Jr.’s tweet said. “I trust this interview fully satisfied their inquiry.”

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