How to not spoil ‘Game of Thrones’ (or any other show) – in one easy chart

TWITTER: This is the de facto safe space for people who want to pop off to strangers during an episode. You can’t reasonably expect people to stay mum in real time. So if you want to avoid spoilers, don’t go on Twitter. Full-stop.

FACEBOOK: Technically, you should wait a few days before posting obvious spoilers. This includes articles with titles or pictures that give away major plot points or character deaths, or jokes that inadvertently reveal something. That being said, if you don’t want to be spoiled, you still have to tread lightly there. People are extremely uncool about Facebook in literally every other way. What makes you think they’ll give it a rest in the name of fair TV?

TEXT MESSAGES: No one likes a spoiler bomb! Just ask before you text!

IN REAL LIFE: If you simply must discuss with any warm body that comes into your line of sight, at least have the courtesy to make sure they’ve seen the episode. If they say no, simply convert your excitement into a sustained, high-pitched scream. They’ll get the idea, and you won’t reveal a THING.

MESSAGE BOARDS: Most message boards will have strict rules on how and when you can post spoilers, sometimes going back to the beginning of a show (so don’t think it’s safe to just post something from season 5 even if it’s the end of season 7). There is one generally accepted rule: Don’t make new posts with spoilers in the title. You don’t want someone casually scrolling through a board to get an unwanted surprise.

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