Amy Schumer: I don’t deserve equal pay to Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle

Amy Schumer is clearing up some controversy about her salary.

Variety published a story this week about gender pay inequality in Hollywood titled “The Fight for Equal Pay: Women, Minorities on TV Still Making Less Than White Men.”

The article highlighted a deal that Schumer had with streaming giant Netflix.

“Amy Schumer couldn’t have been hotter as a personality when she set a deal last year to star in a comedy special for Netflix, ‘The Leather Special,’ which premiered in March,” the story said. “But when Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle made headlines for commanding eye-popping deals for $20 million per special, Schumer’s team went back to Netflix and flatly asked for more money.”

Citing an unnamed source, writer Daniel Holloway wrote that Schumer initially was paid about $11 million but “received significantly more compensation after she raised the question of fairness relative to the Rock and Chappelle deals.”

Schumer addressed the issue — and the ensuing controversy by those who feel she hasn’t paid the dues that Rock and Chappelle have — on an Instagram photo of herself appearing to be topless and hiding behind a hot dog prop.

The “Trainwreck” actress wrote, “Thanks for chiming in on what you feel I deserve to be paid.”

“I believe women deserve equal pay,” she wrote in a caption. “However I don’t believe I deserve equal pay to Chris and Dave.”

Calling the pair “legends and 2 of the greatest comics of all time,” Schumer also noted she’s achieved a rare feat for female comics by selling out arenas.

“That’s a big deal to me, especially because I know I do my best every night on stage for the audience and they have a good time,” Schumer said. “I didn’t ask for the same as my friends.”

Schumer admitted she did ask for more than Netflix initially offered but denied the report in Variety.

“I will continue to work my a** off and be the best performer I can be,” she wrote. “The reports of me ‘demanding’ or ‘insisting’ on equal pay to them” aren’t true.

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