First on CNN: Conservative group launches $2.5 million ad buy on tax reform

A conservative group is launching a major $2.5 million ad buy Wednesday to ramp up public pressure on Republican members of Congress to address tax reform.

American Action Network’s Middle-Class Growth Initiative, a nonprofit funded by House Speaker Paul Ryan supporters, unveiled a new TV ad that will run on national cable throughout the August recess while lawmakers are at home, many of them holding events with constituents.

It will air in 24 congressional districts represented by Republicans — including Ryan’s district in Wisconsin — and will urge constituents to call their representative, whose name and number will be listed at the end of the commercial.

It’s part of a larger $5 million ad buy that the group announced shortly before August, and the group is one of many right-leaning organizations pushing Congress to act on the issue.

The ad features a man who says he lost his job as a metal worker due to foreign competition. “America’s tax code is so complicated — we can’t be as competitive,” he says. “Thousands of jobs like mine are lost to places like China.”

Following the failure of the Senate to pass health care legislation at the end of July, House and Senate leaders, along with the White House, announced they plan to seriously start looking at tax reform when Congress returns in early September.

Ryan, at the time, said in a statement that the House intends to pursue “historic tax reform” this fall, and the White House has laid out an aggressive timeline aiming to get a bill signed into law by mid-November.

The President laid out some of his tax reform proposals earlier this year, saying he wants to reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to three, double the standard deduction, and provide tax breaks to families who have childcare expenses. He also wants to significantly lower the corporate tax rate to 15%, far below the current top rate of 35%.

Tax reform will be among several issues on the docket for Congress after the August recess. Raising the debt ceiling, passing the budget, and continuing the health care push are among the priorities, not to mention the ongoing congressional probes into the 2016 presidential election.

The last time Congress passed comprehensive tax reform was in 1986.

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