Republican members of Congress show love for Priebus, praise Kelly pick

Republican lawmakers voiced their support for Reince Priebus, President Donald Trump’s chief of staff whose resignation was announced Friday, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, who said his fellow Wisconsinite “left it all out on the field.”

“Reince Priebus has left it all out on the field, for our party and our country,” Ryan said in a tweeted statement. “Here is a guy from Kenosha, Wisconsin who revitalized the Republican National Committee and became White House chief of staff. He has served the president and the American people capably and passionately. He has achieved so much, and he has done it all with class. I could not be more proud to call Reince a dear friend.”

Priebus, before serving as chairman of the Republican National Committee for six years, was chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party.

Ryan was also among the prominent GOP lawmakers who praised the selection of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as Trump’s new White House chief of staff.

“I congratulate Secretary Kelly on his appointment, and look forward to working with him to advance our agenda,” he said.

On the Senate side, Ron Johnson, Lindsey Graham and Tom Cotton also highlighted their support for Priebus.

“Reince Priebus is a good friend. I thank him for his service and wish him the best of luck going forward,” Johnson, also a Wisconsin Republican, wrote in a statement Friday. “Secretary Kelly is an outstanding leader who has served his country honorably and I know he will do an excellent job at the White House.”

Graham, R-South Carolina, also lauded Kelly’s accomplishments, saying the general “will bring unparalleled leadership skills to the job.”

“Secretary Kelly is one of the strongest and most natural leaders I’ve ever known,” Graham said, later adding, “I’m a firm believer that past performance is the best indicator of future behavior. With this in mind, the President is in good hands with Secretary Kelly.”

Cotton, R-Arkansas, similarly praised Kelly as an “outstanding choice” for the position and offered his thanks to Priebus for serving the country.

“John Kelly is a great American. Anna and I are proud to call him and his wife, Karen, friends. He’s an outstanding choice,” Cotton tweeted. “Thanks to Reince Priebus for his service to our country.”

Trump’s decision to replace Priebus was announced just after Air Force One landed at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington Friday.

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