GOP Rep. Mo Brooks: Scaramucci ‘off the map,’ I’d fire him over vulgar interview

Republican Rep. Mo Brooks said Friday that White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci isn’t adding stability to the White House and that he would have fired Scaramucci for his expletive-laden interview with The New Yorker.

Scaramucci went after White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist Steve Bannon in a vulgar interview with the magazine published Thursday.

“He’s off the map. For him to use the kind of vulgar language he used with respect to Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon — both conservatives and liberals in the White House — I just don’t get why Donald Trump would put him, Mr. Scaramucci, into that position, given his rather reckless style,” Brooks said on Fox News radio’s “Todd Starnes Show.”

“I don’t think that is adding stability to the White House and right now the White House needs a lot stability. They need friendships they need to be able to work together and stop this behind the scenes leaking and backstabbing,” he added.

Brooks is currently a primary candidate for US Senate in Alabama. He went on in the interview to say that Trump needed to end the “chaos” in the White House.

Brooks also said he would have fired Scaramucci over the magazine interview.

“I would just from that one interview but keep in mind I’m from Alabama,” Brooks said. “We believe in a level of politeness that apparently was not a part of Mr. Scaramucci’s upbringing. And I’m not real fond of people who try to show off the strength of their egos by using the profanity and vulgar language that Mr. Scaramucci used to describe Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus.”

Brooks said he rarely agreed with Priebus but he was an “honorable gentleman” who Scaramucci could learn from.

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