‘Heroes’ actor posts letter about his sexual orientation

Thomas Dekker says he was ‘outed,’ but he made it official on Thursday.

The “Heroes” actor, also known for his role in “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles,” posted a letter about his sexuality on his official Twitter account.

“My sexual orientation once again came into question this week when a prominent gay man used an awards acceptance speech to ‘out’ me,” he wrote. “While he did not mention me by name, the explicit details of his reference made it easy for the public and media to connect the dots.”

Calling it “an odd situation,” Dekker offered appreciation to the unidentified man.

“I thank him because it presents a prime opportunity for me to publicly say that I am indeed a man who proudly loves other men,” he wrote. “In fact, this April, I married my husband and I could not be happier.”

And while Dekker said he’s never lied about his sexual orientation to the press, he also hadn’t “officially” come out.

“Sexuality and who you love is a deeply personal and complicated thing,” he wrote. “For some of us, it takes to cultivate, discover and conclude. It is not something anyone should ever be ashamed of and certainly not something anyone should be rushed into.”

Dekker also added that while he believes LGBTQ celebrities can help “disarm” discrimination by living openly, how and when to do so should be an individual decision.

“Be proud of who you are. No matter how long it takes,” he wrote.

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