Warner: Senate intelligence committee has requested more records from Kushner, Trump Jr.

Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, told CNN the panel will ask Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. for additional documents, following revelations from an email chain that Trump Jr released this week.

The Virginia Democrat would not say Thursday when the panel wants to interview Kushner or Trump Jr. But he added that the request for additional documents from Kushner was in part because he left off three meetings with Russians from forms submitted to the investigation.

“Again, I think it’s not appropriate to go through the type of documents requested but we think it’s very important that we have all of the appropriate information so we can ask the right questions,” Warner said, adding later, “It seems strange to me that those meetings were at least conveniently forgotten, at least by Mr. Kushner.”

Intelligence committee Chairman Richard Burr would not say Thursday when he wanted to speak with Kushner or Trump Jr.

“When we talk to somebody is when we already know what we want to learn from them,” the North Carolina Republican told CNN. “I don’t get into the timing. We’ve got a great metric of a lot of potential witnesses, and we knock out oh, two, three, as many as six every week.”

The Senate intelligence committee’s request comes after the Senate judiciary committee’s chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, said he wanted to speak with Kushner, as well as former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who also attended a meeting in June 2016 with a Russian lawyer.

Trump Jr. on Tuesday morning posted a series of emails between himself and Rob Goldstone, a music publicist who contacted Trump Jr. and told him about an opportunity to receive potentially damaging information about Clinton as part of a Russian government effort to help his father’s campaign. That email led to the June 9, 2016 meeting, at which Trump Jr. later said no meaningful information was provided.

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