DuBois City Accepts Bids for Challenger Field Project

DUBOIS – On Monday night, DuBois City Council voted to accept bids for the construction of Challenger Field.

Challenger Field will be constructed at the DuBois City Memorial Park.

Bids were awarded to three companies for each to complete a different aspect of the project. 

The lowest bids combined for a total of $3,421,062 for both basic construction as well as extra features. Of that, the basic construction bids totaled $2,826,438.

The extra features consist of additions to the field that council members were willing to eliminate if the costs became too high. 

Council approved a list of alternative items, which included:

However, council didn’t approve the following list of items, which included:

Council also authorized returning a revised sewer usage agreement to Sandy Township.  Officials said revisions “cleaned up” the language and didn’t affect the terms of the agreement.

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